St Helens 20th June 2024

First day to feel like summer came on the first day of summer. I wanted to ride somewhere so I rode to St Helens via a new route, following the route of the Sankey Valley right into the heart of the town. My photography was problematic. I'm still struggling with focussing issues. I don't use autofocus but back button focussing and try to use zone focusing. The problem is that my two lenses are modern and don't have proper manual controls, which have zones written on them. The camera itself (a Nikon z6ii) has digital readouts but it's a simple line which doesn't have any kind of link to the real world. It's crying out for a focussing distance. Makes me really miss the zone mode on the Ricoh GR III, where you could set a focal distance and it would show you where the focus zone sat. 


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