Warrington 21st June 2024

A bit of a nothing day. I had errands to run, mainly “the shopping”, which is one of the tougher jobs since I don’t have a car and transport everything on my bike. I think of it as part of my exercise routine since it’s always a heavy load. But a bike ride to the local ASDA was also a chance to head into Warrington, which was surprisingly dead. 

The moment I arrived, I just didn’t feel it. Maybe the lack of crowd made my standing with a camera feel more obvious. Maybe it was the atmosphere. It was warm but strange. Like a storm was coming, though it never did. Just felt like it was… Maybe I was just tired...

“Take my picture, take my picture” sang two schoolgirls when they walked past. I didn’t. I imagined the headlines if I did. 

 Yes, today was a low-confidence day. I wish I were more authentically "a photographer". Maybe I’d feel less odd if I did this professionally and knew I wasn’t just me trying to do something with a camera. I did, however, try out an autofocus mode which isn’t really my usual style. Can’t say I was impressed but in a couple of instances the focus seemed to work well. I might stick with it for a while, though I know I’m just rocking the wrong lens for street. 40mm is just a bit too long. I really need to get myself a 28mm, ideally manually focussed and with the old style rings so I can just set it and leave it.

If I can find an old lens, it will have to be dirt cheap, I’ll also have to figure out an adaptor. Maybe at some point I’ll justify a trick into Liverpool or Manchester, to visit The Real Camera Company. Or maybe I’ll mooch on down to the local flea market and hope there’s something to be found… Anyway, a bad day but oddly a few photos I quite like.



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